Commodity Risk Management Training

Robert has just set up his own commodity risk management training and consultancy to help with companies having difficulties in understanding how to manage their exposures. He has enormous experience in helping companies to understand their risks and how to set up and run successful hedging operations.

Many companies shy away from hedging. Some wrongly view it as speculation. Some fear the difficulty in understanding and keeping control of the process. Some believe they are naturally hedged or that their suppliers hedge on their behalf. Robert’s course tackles these issues head on and creates certainty and confidence for management.

Robert comes with enormous experience in the field and clients choose him because of his responsible, creative and flexible approach.

Aside from the over 30 bespoke training courses delivered to industry, Robert has been a regular participant at global and academic conferences speaking on hedging commodity risk, particularly using his experience in metals, energy and freight. The outcome of these courses has been hugely beneficial to companies facing risks and has led to positive ongoing debate on best practice.

The Bespoke Course

The course typically lasts one or two days and is directed at senior decision makers at mining and industrial companies who are involved in commodity risk management practice.

Robert normally signs a non-disclosure agreement where the company would release its commodity exposure information allowing him to show how best practice peer group companies could manage its risks and why setting up its own operations may be in their best interests.

The Bespoke Programme Provides:

  • a hedge workshop with relevant examples
  • best practice in setting up a risk management team
  • the cash flow implications of hedging
  • hedge policy development
  • margining and credit
  • physical trading and warehousing
  • reporting and hedge accounting
  • treasury management systems and implementation.

Ongoing Commodity Risk Management Consultation

  • Available for ongoing help in the implementation of risk management treasury solutions for commodity based companies.

Speaking at Conferences and Industry Events

  • Robert is a highly experienced speaker at conferences and events on the subject
Robert Fig

Ongoing Commodity Risk Management Consultation

  • Available for ongoing help in the implementation of risk management treasury solutions for commodity based companies.

Speaking at Conferences and Industry Events

  • Robert is a highly experienced speaker at conferences and events on the subject
Robert Fig